Friday Flyer

This Week's Flyer Contains:

Get ready for CHANGE

Featured Artists of January

Featured Announcement

"Vegas Insider" Columns

This Week's Announcements

Double Grand Prize Giveaway

Weekly Prize Giveaway

On Tuesday January 20, 2009 change is coming to America! In this historical moment, America will be swearing in Barack Obama, our 44th president and the first African-American to hold this high office. They are estimating it could be up to 1,500,000 people in attendance of this significant occasion. The events on Inauguration Day before and after can be found here.










Featured Artists

for the Month of January

Legends In Concert


Featured Announcement


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday January 19, 2009


Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a United States holiday marking the birthdate of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., observed on the third Monday of January each year, around the time of King's birthday, January 15. It is one of four United States federal holidays to commemorate an individual person.


King was the chief spokesman of the nonviolent civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. He was assassinated in 1968.


To view Section Information, click on the Section Title.
To view a VCO Columnist's BIO, click on the Columnist's Name.
To view their column, click on the Article Name


January 16th Featured Co-columns:

Weatherization Program Takes the Chill Off for Less
A White man asks "When Are We Going to Get Over It?"

  Nevada Government                   
  Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons
Weekly Update

Governor Jim Gibbons has reappointed William �Bruce� King and appointed Kevin E. Burke, Nathaniel W. Hodgson III and John C. Ellison to the Nevada State Contractors Board....



  Nevada Government         

Senator Harry Reid
Weekly Update
A number of bills significant to managing Nevada�s public lands cleared a major Senate vote Sunday, allowing them to move forward to a final vote this week, Nevada Senator Harry Reid announced........

You Too
Can Help Our

  Nevada Government                

Senator John Ensign
Weekly Update
"Congress should quickly eliminate the coupon shortage.  If additional funding is needed, Congress should provide it.  It will be less disruptive to fix the coupon program than to delay the transition date.  Pushing back the transition date could also delay the deployment of new wireless broadband services.....


  Nevada Government                 
  Congresswoman Shelley Berkley   
  Weekly Update 

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley has been named to the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health.  The new assignment will provide Berkley a greater opportunity to advocate for increased access to affordable, quality healthcare for more Americans......

Visit VCO's
For Updates



  Nevada Government               

Department of Business and Industry
Weatherization Program Takes the Chill Off for Less
Energy costs are on everyone�s mind at this time of year, especially now during the State�s struggle with an economic downturn.  The Nevada Housing Division�s Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) can help you stay warm while saving money........


  Las Vegas Government               

Department of Planning & Development


Las Vegas Planning Commission Elects New Officers
The city of Las Vegas Planning Commission elected new officers for 2009 at its meeting last week. Glenn Trowbridge was elected chairman and Richard Truesdell was elected vice chairman.........


  Las Vegas Government               

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police

PREP (Police Readiness & Education Program) Seminar

The next Police Recruit test is fast approaching. Prior to the written test, the Recruiting Section will be hosting a PREP (Police Readiness and Education Program) Seminar......



  City of North Las Vegas
  City Offers Free Foreclosure Workshop

The City�s Office of Housing and Neighborhood Services is holding a free foreclosure education workshop from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 17, at Rancho High School, 1900 Searles Ave.........



Politically Speaking                

John Daly
Missing the Point of Atlas Shrugged
This is a posting about a piece written by Stephen Moore in the Wall Street Journal about Ayn Rand�s classic novel Atlas Shrugged and its relevance to today�s economic crisis......


  Politically Speaking                    

Center for Strategic Analysis 
Las Vegas Financing Terrorism 
On January 17 2009, I will be live on KNFX 1100 at 11:30 PST with talk show host Steve Kates from Phoenix AZ, call 602-277-KFNX  if you have any questions or just want to say 'Hi"......


  Monthly Horoscope                     
  Michele Avanti, CAP              
January '09 Horoscope            

How to Use This Column: As you read your sun and moon sign, you will note each section is broken into Focus, Test, Key & Action. Focus defines what you will find yourself focused on during this time....

  2009 Astrological Outlook       


  Notes from Norm             
  Norm Clarke
Weekly Wrap-Up 01-10-09 - 01-16-09
Mayor Oscar Goodman's mob museum took another hit Sunday, with President-elect Barack Obama basically saying fuhgeddaboudit.......
 Get tickets for premium and sold-out events

  Vegas Wishes & Desert Dreams     
  Robin Leach
Weekly Wishes and Dreams

Dancing with the stars winner Brooke Burke admits injuries and pain from hit TV show �worst she�d ever experienced.�....


  An Imperial Life                   
  Little Anthony
  This & That

By the time my column goes out online, the news will be known that, hooray, and we are going to be inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame � 2009 ceremony....


  Publisher's Favorite E-mails  
  Marleen Marino

Awesome Old Photos of Los Angeles


These pictures are some really incredible photos of California in the early and mid 1900's....


  Jackie Brett
  Brett's Vegas View 01-16-09

CityCenter Holdings, LLC, a joint venture between MGM MIRAGE (NYSE: MGM) and Infinity World Development Corp, recently announced certain scope changes related to The Harmon Hotel & Spa, which include postponing the opening of the hotel to late 2010 and canceling The Harmon�s approximately 200 residential condominium component.............




Victoria Alexander

Week of January 16, 2009                             

Bride Wars, Programming the Nation?, �The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: The Making of the Motion Picture�, The Air Loom Mind Control Machine, and more..........



Pete Allman
The Beauty of the Encore
Just mentioning the word Encore brings back unforgettable images of one incredibly designed Las Vegas Strip property. Words like impressed and awesome aren�t enough..��



Tom Jones International
Tom Jones� �24 Hours�
Tom Jones doesn�t get enough credit. Older than most pop singers of the late 1960s, Jones was seen as the guy trying to connect with the young and hip crowds while appealing to a much older demographic at the same time.......



Dr. Adele “Z.Z.” Zorn
More Entertainment Tidbits January 2009


The 10th Annual Canon U.S. A. Customer Appreciation Star-Studded Reception was held Friday, January 9 at the BELLAGIO�s Grand Ballroom. Elegantly dressed guests of the evening event enjoyed fine cuisine, live and silent auctions and exciting musical entertainment by Grammy Winner Skip Martin, formerly with Kool & the Gang......


  Chick Hughes 
  Chick Goes To The AVN Expo 2009
  See Chick with some gorgeous gals,....

  Report on Vegas                                 

Michael Politz
Week in Review
Have you been having Valet issues? Being asked for a room key because they are only taking guests vehicles, until a $20 appears and then suddenly parking is available. The Venetian and The Palazzo are most notorious for this......


  Pet of the Week                 

Nevada SPCA 
Pet of the Week - January 16th
This week's Pet of the Week..



Your Latest Feedback!


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words    


Senior Social Security & Bernard Madoff


South Shore Barbers


South Of The Border, Down Mexico Way

  2007 & 2008 Feedback!

  Shiloh Horse Rescue and Sanctuary     

Jill Curtis
Saturday's Happenings
As always, Saturday was a busy day at Shiloh.......


  Networking�Las Vegas Style               

Sherial Bratcher
Secrets of Networking  Part 2
Do you have a great commercial to introduce yourself? Do you have the Secret to being a a relationship magnet?...


  A Woman's Point of View                 

Cjay Judd
A White man asks "When Are We Going to Get Over It?"
I received an email with a copy of an article written by Dr. Andrew Manis. It was published in The People's Voice Weekly News, a black weekly out of Alabama.........


  Women's Chamber of Commerce        

June Beland
January Business Workshop
In this workshop, you will learn how to run your business in 2009-2010. The whole climate of how you run your business has changed, so you need to keep up with all the business changes to survive......


  Sierra Club                       

Sierra Club Monthly Meeting
�Wild Alaska� by Vicky Hoover, Sierra Club staff, Alaska Task Force. Alaska's vast and magnificent public lands have been a Sierra Club priority since 1967......


  Our Diverse Community       

Las Vegas Kabbalah Centre
Weekly Insight
Today, check in with yourself to find out just how hard you are willing to work to achieve your dreams.....


  Our Diverse Community         

Young Israel-Aish
Coming Events


Tools to define and create Success and Tu B'Shevat........




  Our Diverse Community                    

Sin City Chamber of Commerce
Education Series Luncheon    
Happy Happy New Year To Each And Every One Of You, Our Sin City Chamber Members And Friends.   We are dedicated to making 2009 the best year we have ever had, creating events and parties that will entice each of you to attend sometime through the year..,,........


Ms. Poker                                      
  Susie Isaacs
  The Red Hat Prop Bet

Prop bets can be fun, funny, amusing, and profitable. In case you're not familiar with the term, a prop bet is a crazy bet. Think back to when you were a kid and another kid said, "I double-dog dare you to eat that jar of paste - or that bug," and you do it because you were double-dog dared and after doing it, you became a legend. A prop bet consists of grown ups who do things just as dumb as the childhood dares........


The Best of "the Coach's" Poker           
  Bob "The Coach" Ciaffone
  Tournaments Versus Cash Games

Should you play both tournaments and cash games, or specialize? Which format offers a greater chance of monetary success? Does each format require a specific style of play? This column will address these and similar issues.....




Barack Obama DVD

Click Graphic above to learn more Click Graphic above to learn more



Call to Service on January 19th




Renew America Together






Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Celebrates White House Wednesday on January 21st


In honor of President Elect, Barack Obama, the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino hosts a property-wide party to celebrate the beginning of Obama�s �A New Birth of Freedom� term on Wednesday, Jan. 21 from 7 � 9 p.m. 


Being dubbed as �White House Wednesday,� everyone is invited to make a toast to the new beginning, regardless of which way guests voted.  At the Hell�s Belles blackjack pit, guests can witness �Obama�s Mamas,� dealers and dancers geared up for the occasion by wearing red, white and blue.  Exclusive cocktail offers include: $1 Bud Light, $1 Right gin red/blue cocktails and $2 Stella Artois at the Center Bar; �Obamaritas� at Pink Taco; �Obamatinis� and Lame Duck Special cocktails at AGO and more. 


If you're reading this and haven't become a member of the VCO community (don't forget membership is free) Click HERE and have a chance to win any of the fabulous prizes listed below!


Grand Giveaway


Two sets of tickets for two


to see Barry Manilow


"Music and Passion Concert"




at the Las Vegas Hilton


Get Up and Go�s own Larry Tyler


is proud to sponsor a


Hawaii Island Hopper Holiday


 5 days and 4 nights in a tropical, Hawaiian paradise , with the added flexibility of seven-day check in


A $1,160 value. (airfare not included)

  St. Thomas Island Hopper  
  5 Days and 4 Night
7- Day a week arrivals
A $782 Value
(airfare not included)
Two sets of  "Dinner for 2"
  at Benihana   
  Two sets of " Dinner for 2"  
   at TJ's Steakhouse   
  at the Las Vegas Hilton  

Weekly Giveaway


If you're a winner, e-mail VCO HERE to redeem your comp tickets!

Legends in Concert
at the Imperial Palace
Wendi Jacobs

The Scintas

at the Las Vegas Hilton

Shelly Shapiro


Jay White

at the Riviera

Sean Sappington

Bobby Slayton
at Hooters
Scott Garig

Gerry McCambridge
at Hooters
Sharon Adams

Barbra & Frank
at the Riviera 
Dena Litmanowicz

Country Superstars
at Fitzgerald's
Debby Boone 

The Soprano's Last Supper
at the Riviera 
Susan Moore
Larry J. Jones
at the Royal Resort Hotel
Chuck Fulkerson
Liberace Museum
Located in the Liberace Plaza
Norma Caruso



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