Vegas Community Online

Friday Flyer


This Week's Flyer Contains:

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Featured Artist of the April

Featured Announcement

"Vegas Insider" Columns

This Week's Announcements

Last Chance for Poem & Feedback submissions

Weekly Prize Giveaway


Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

To learn more click  HERE

Featured Artist

for the Month: April



Featured Announcement:

The 3rd Time wasn't a Charm!

What a GREAT community we live in!!!!


VCO is wondering if we should just announce who wins the monthly giveaways and then ask them who they would like to "Pay it Forward" to. What do YOU think? Seems like our GREAT community is very giving.


  The Greens won for Best Feedback for the Month of March & wrote:  

Thank You - From Lois & Ben - We are proud that our submission on preventing global warming has been chosen as the winning Feedback for March.  It would please us to have our prize offered to David Hassenzah, the Chair of the Environment Studies Department at UNLV for him to present to a student of his choosing who is a member of Sierra Student Coalition (S.S.C.), a student organization at UNLV that focuses on environmental issues facing Southern Nevada and the world.            The saga continues!      More next week.


To view Section Information, click on the Section Title.
To view a VCO Columnist's BIO, click on the Columnist's Name.
To view their column, click on the Article Name

Column of the Week:

Protecting Your Pet In The Summer


  Nevada Government         
  Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons
Governor Outlines New Revenue Projections
  �These are difficult economic times, for not just state government, but for the people of Nevada,� Gov. Jim Gibbons said. �Nevadans are paying more for milk, gasoline, healthcare, heating fuels and just about everything else, so I cannot see asking them to pay more for government, as well........

  Nevada Government       
  Nevada Film Office
Shot in Nevada
Hold on, don�t get the wrong idea. I don�t mean shot, as in the gunslingin� cowboys of ol� Nevada. Nor am I referring to the mean streets of new Nevada. The �shot� I�m talking about was done with a camera. Yup, that�s what we want, anything that was shot in Nevada......
You Too
Can Help Our

  Nevada Government         
  Senator Harry Reid
Improving Transportation in Nevada
In addition to funding important transportation projects nationwide, the passage of this bill will help create tens of thousands of jobs across the country and reduce transportation costs of consumer goods, both of which will help improve.......

  Nevada Government       
  Congresswoman Shelley Berkley
  Weekly Update

As Nevada Unemployment Rate Tops 5.8% Berkley Seeks Extension of Jobless Benefits, Berkley Package Seeks To Extend Unemployment Help For Nevadans, House Approves Legislation to Ensure Continued Access to Federal Student Loans


  Nevada Government          
  Senator John Ensign
Ensign Urges Action To Ensure Troops� Right To Vote
Senator John Ensign joined a bipartisan group in sending a letter to the President today (April 21, 2008) calling for immediate action toward improving military absentee voting.  In 2006, 20 percent of the votes cast by our active-duty men and women were not even counted.....

  Nevada Government       
  Department of Business and Industry
Treasury Department�s Financial Regulatory Reform Plan
George E. Burns, Commissioner of the Nevada Financial Institutions Division, expressed his concerns regarding the recommendations in the Treasury Department�s Blueprint for Financial Regulatory Reform.......

  Las Vegas Government       

Mayor Oscar B. Goodman

Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain is located 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas in Nye County, NV. The city of Las Vegas is opposed to the location of a high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.......

  Clark County                   

Clark County Parks & Recreation
Events to know about!
College Prep Conference - Free for teenagers and their families and Free Jazz in the Park Series, April 26th featuring Spyro Gyra. Picnics, blankets and low back chairs are welcome. Food and drink are available for purchase on site....



  Clark County                   

Clark County Animal Control
Protecting Your Pet In The Summer
Most people think nothing of putting their dogs in the back of their pickup truck or car and hitting the road to the lake or just shopping. What many people don't realize is that the summer heat can be devastating to a pet.....



  Presidential Candidates        
  Senator Hillary R. Clinton       
Thank you Pennsylvania!

Senator Clinton after Pennsylvania Victory....


  Presidential Candidates          
  Barack Obama      
  Pennsylvania Primary Night Speech

Barack rallied a crowd of almost 8,000 on the night of the Pennsylvania primary in Evansville, IN......


  Presidential Candidates         
  John McCain
McCain Speech in Youngstown, OH - 4/22/08
Senator John McCain's speech to begin a Town Hall Meeting in Youngstown, Ohio, April 22, 2008. He appeared in Youngstown on Day 2 of his "Time for Action Tour" of economically challenged areas of America........


  Politically Speaking                      
  John Daly
New Book: Bad Money by Kevin Phillips
I�ve read Phillips other books. The best is American Theocracy. It�s a warning of a failing American civilization. Phillips compares the U.S. Empire to the fall of the Roman, Dutch, and British Empires.......


  Monthly Horoscope                
  Michele Avanti, CAP              
April '08 Horoscope
                 2008 Astrological Outlook

How to Use This Column: As you read your sun and moon sign, you will note each section is broken into Focus, Test, Key & Action. Focus defines what you will find yourself focused on during this time....

  May '08 Horoscope


  Notes from Norm                 
  Norm Clarke
Weekly Wrap-Up 4-19-08 - 4-25-08
Larry Edwards, a longtime Tina Turner impersonator, is over the moon, and his feet won't be touching earth any time soon.....

  Vegas Wishes & Desert Dreams    
  Robin Leach
Weekly Wishes and Dreams

Brilliantly eccentric, world-famous designer Philippe Starck vows his wild-makeover of the 2,500-room Sahara resort on the Strip will open in 2010�and some of the furniture maybe �sex-intended�!....

  First HD Television Facility on the Las Vegas Strip
  Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman helps launch VegasHD, the first HD television facility on the Las Vegas Strip.....

  Frederick's Facts & More   
  John Fredericks
Meet L.J.

LJ came into my life at a time when I was suffering from severe depression following the loss of my sweet old boy, Jordan......

  L.J. Update                            
  LJ Gets Attached! Thank God, he�s fine!  We were at a dog event this past Saturday morning.  There were some adoption dogs there....

  Publisher's Favorite E-mails              
  Marleen Marino
The Price of Gas vs. Printer Ink
All these examples do NOT imply that gasoline is cheap; it just illustrates how outrageous some prices are.......
Visit VCO's
For Daily

  Poems, Odes and More   

Ode To Las Vegas                       

  Poem submitted


  Michaelina Bellamy
  Back stage at the EnormousNorm-A-Thon

Probably the best charity event I have been to in years! I have done many and have never seen one run so smoothly and joyfully........


  Kid Cary and Marleen Marino
EnormousNorm-A-Thon - A Huge Success
It was wonderful seeing Norman in grand spirits! One thing that has not changed since I�ve known him, is his warm and giving spirit. He is loved by many, which was apparent by the huge showing of both star performers and attendees.....


  Jackie Brett
  Brett's Vegas View 4-25-08

CRISS ANGEL Believe� has been unveiled as the name of the new Cirque du Soleil production set to open at the Luxor.  The show will star magician Criss Angel and be presented in a custom-built theater........



Victoria Alexander
Viewpoint on Vegas: April 25, 2008
In 1495 the Roman Catholic Church allowed those who pay a fee to consume butter during fast days. It is believed that monies collected from this �butter tax� paid for the construction of a part of the Cathedral of Rouen that came to be known as the �Butter Tower.�.......



Pete Allman
Be a Star: Take Care of Your Prostate Health
Whether or not you are a celebrity, every man is a star and can take charge of his health. Every woman can act like a best supporting actress by encouraging her grandfather, father, brother, son, boyfriend, husband and male friends to pay attention to prostate health....



Xania Woodman               
The Latest From The Circuit
Well, a few REAL men, to be exact, as in really well-dressed! Fashion-forward men from the Las Vegas area are invited to visit the Esquire Style Lounge at Blush Boutique Nightclub on Saturday, April 26 from 12-6 p.m.......



Celebrity Chef Connection
Bonefish Grill
There are over 110 Bonefish Grill restaurants across the country, with one located in Henderson and are we fortunate!  Both appetizing and visually appealing, this is more than a seafood place.........



Bea Fogelman 
I Received a Gift Today
I am completely overcome, tears are flowing and it's because of an American Flag I received in the mail that was flown aboard an aircraft on a combat mission over Afghanistan on April 2, 2008...    



Chick Hughes

  This Week's Fun With Chick on the Town
  See Chick with some gorgeous gals....


Liberace Foundation
IMPACT 2008!
Las Vegas� first cultural fair will bring together the city�s best museums, galleries and performance groups to show how rich the culture in Vegas can be at IMPACT 2008.  A free event, open to all ages, will include displays, exhibits, demonstrations and information....


  Pet of the Week                     

Nevada SPCA 
Pet of the Week - April 25h
This week's Pet of the Week..


  Feng Shui Tips              

Consy Malasoma
Color your Life
Color in Nature all around us nurtures our body and soul.  We are beings of energy and our auras are ever-changing vibrations of color.  It has been scientifically proven that using color in our environment can help to maintain optimal health, alleviate disorders and correct imbalances in our system....



Your Latest Feedback! 


Thank You


  The Vegas Eye                     
  The Vegas Eye             
The Latest From the EYE
David Hasselhoff of Baywatch and Knight Rider fame was taken to the University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center Saturday to have something removed from his eye according to reports. He als ois one of the judges on America's Got Talent......

  I-AM Youth Program                
  Laurence T  
  To Our Las Vegas Supporters
Many of you are starting to see our youth, in the community, working to make their lives better. We want to thank you for supporting them. They are working to bring about a new lifestyle for teens in Las Vegas....

  Our Diverse Community   

Sin City Chamber of Commerce
Sin City Chamber 2008 Chicken Ranch Experience
Our big event for the year is rapidly approaching.  This will be the fourth year we have held the Chicken Ranch Experience.   We have 25 member booths with some fun adult games available to entertain you....


  Our Diverse Community                  

Las Vegas Kabbalah Centre
Weekly Insight
Balance is what we are all looking for, isn't it? A balanced bank account, balanced relationships, balance between work and play. Balance.....


  Our Diverse Community                 

Hispanic community
6th Annual Business Conference & Consumer Expo

  The premier Latin business event in Southern Nevada, giving local entrepreneurs and businesses a forum to showcase their products and services. Attracting more than 5,000 participants and over 125 exhibitors, this successful event facilitates business relations within the LCC membership and the Hispanic community...

  Our Diverse Community    

Young Israel-Aish
Who do you See When you Look into the Mirror?


Rabbi Wyne gives insight on this week's Torah portion. How did a copper mirror become such a significant piece in the Mishkan?.....



The Best of "the Coach's" Poker          
  Bob "The Coach" Ciaffone
  Linda Johnson Throws a Great Party

It's Saturday night and women from around the country have gathered in Vegas for the WPT Ladies Championship held at Bellagio... but not before getting the golden ticket to join Linda Johnson and some of her poker pro friends at her place!.......






In Honor Of Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month Sunrise Health Hosts Free Skin Cancer Screenings May 10


Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and affects one in five Americans. Doctors at Sunrise Health are striving to make individuals in Las Vegas one less skin cancer victim with free screenings in the month of May.

By appointment only, the screenings are FREE and open to the public. To schedule an appointment at any of the three locations call 233.5300

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Free screenings will take place at the following locations:

         Sunrise Hospital

3186 S. Maryland Parkway, located near Desert Inn

         MountainView Hospital

3150 N. Tenaya Way, located near I-95 and Cheyenne

         Southern Hills Hospital

                        9300 W. Sunset Rd, located on Ft Apache and W. Sunset/ I-215




The Art of Peter Max


World renowned artist Peter Max, known for his famous paintings of iconic Americana, is hosting an art exhibit live at the Art of Peter Max Gallery in Las Vegas. Max will be at the gallery to showcase his paintings, meet with fans and to sign and dedicate paintings purchased throughout the month of May. His newest masterpiece, the attached 4x5� �Angel with Heart� painting, which retails for $89,500, is among the many pieces of original artwork available for viewing and acquisition during the exhibit. This event is free and open to the public.




Biggest Block Party-Downtown Las Vegas!

Paul Casey, Las Vegas resident & Two time Entertainer of the year, Official Ambassador of Las Vegas, Recording Artist and television and movie personality returns to Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world Friday/ Saturday, May 9-10th. Paul will headline Fremont Street Experience. 20,000 will attend this two day weekend event. Paul will be back by Las Vegas best musicians performing classic songs, movie and television recordings and paying tribute to the many famous recording acts of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and many to list. Paul will performs his current Hit record..."TRAVELER" from Collier & Co and songs from the new Collier & Co2 starring John Schneider & Burt Reynolds released 2009.

The concert is free
Showtime from 8-11pm

3rd Street Main Stage - Fremont Street, Downtown Las Vegas.


If you're reading this and haven't become a member of the VCO community (don't forget membership is free) Click HERE and have a chance to win any of the fabulous prizes listed below!


Grand Giveaway


Two tickets to see


Barry Manilow


"Music and Passion Concert"


at the Las Vegas Hilton


Get Up and Go�s own Larry Tyler is proud to sponsor a

Hawaii Island Hopper Holiday

 5 days and 4 nights in a tropical, Hawaiian paradise, with the added flexibility of seven-day check in

A $1,160 value.

(airfare not included)

  "Dinner for 2" at Benihana   
  "Dinner for 2" at TJ's Steakhouse    
  at the Las Vegas Hilton  

Monthly Giveaway

The "Best Feedback and Best Poem" each month
 will win one of the 2 prizes listed below

Last chance to submit your Poem & Feedback for April

April Theme - Las Vegas
$100 Gift Certificate from the $100 Gift Certificate from
 Bella Vita Studio   Jazzee's Boutique
2827 Paradise Road
(702) 732-9700
See Past Winners Here

Keep submitting your Feedback and Poems, then at the end of the month,

 YOU, the VCO readers can vote for your favorites.

(One vote per reader, to be announced 2nd week of following month) 

 Keep in mind VCO's website Guidelines


Weekly Giveaway

Legends in Concert
at the Imperial Palace
WINNER Celena Haas

$250,000 Game Show Spectacular
at the Las Vegas Hilton
WINNER Amber Anderson

Jay White

at the Riviera

WINNER Ramon Torres

Bobby Slayton
at Hooters
WINNER Joe Vento

Gerry McCambridge
at Hooters
WINNER Julie Chapman

Barbra & Frank
at the Riviera 
WINNER  Dott Schneider

Country Superstars
at Fitzgerald's
WINNER Rita Morano

The Scintas

at the Las Vegas Hilton

WINNER Daniel Gutierrez


�Beatles Tribute:
 4 Lads from Liverpool�
 at the Four Queens
WINNER Christine-Marie Olds
Liberace Museum
Located in the Liberace Plaza
WINNER Irene Vogel

Defending the Caveman
 at the Golden Nugget
WINNER Emily Burton
Gazillion Bubble Show
 at the Steve Wyrick Theatre
WINNER Ken Douglas
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