Vegas Community Online

Friday Flyer

This Week's Flyer Contains:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Featured Artist of the Month

Featured Announcement

VCO welcomes New Columnists

Friday Football Forecast

"Vegas Insider" Columns

This Week's Announcements

Grand Prize Giveaway

Weekly Prize Giveaway


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, it's estimated that About 178,480 women in the United States will be found to have invasive breast cancer in 2007. About 40,460 women will die from the disease this year. Right now there are slightly over 2 million women living in the United States who have been treated for breast cancer.  [read more]


Featured Artist

of the Month: October

Tony Curtis


Featured Announcement:
Limited Edition Giclée—A Self Portrait by Frank Sinatra


Now available for purchase from the Sonny King Estate (Jimmy Durante's partner for 28 years, Las Vegas legend and Hall of Fame recipient). [read more]  


Gennifer Flowers


VCO Welcomes Our Newest Columnist


Singer, actress, comedienne, and columnist Ms. Gennifer Flowers is back in Las Vegas and is loving every minute!! Flowers was invited to perform in Vegas in a variety show the first part of last year and decided at that time to move back to Las Vegas from New Orleans, Louisiana. Ms. Flowers not only continue her singing career but has made it possible for Gennifer to counsel other women thru her highly successful advice column, �Ask Gennifer with a G.�  [read more]



Dr. Lane F. Smith


VCO Welcomes Our Newest Columnist


Dr. Smith is one of the finest plastic surgeons in the western United States. His training and expertise in procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction, and many other cosmetic procedures are held in the highest regard. Dr. Smith spends most of his time at his Las Vegas office, but he also has a satellite office in Salt Lake City.

The Smith Plastic Surgery Institute invites you to call us for a complimentary consultation about any type of procedure you might be considering.... [read more]



VCO brings the "Battle of the Sexes" to the Friday Football Forecast

"The Mouth of Motown," "The Tout" and Casey Smith pits wits and picks vs. "Mystic Mona" right here every week.


Click HERE for Picks






To view Section Information, click on the Section Title.
To view a VCO Columnist's BIO, click on the Columnist's Name.
To view their column, click on the Article Name

Column of the week:
Making Friends, Making Enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan

  Nevada Government
  Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons
Governor Gibbons and B&I; Director Mendy Elliott Announce Appointment of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities
Governor Jim Gibbons and Director of the Department of Business and Industry Mendy Elliott today announced the appointment of Leticia Bravo as the Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities and...
[read more]

  Nevada Government
  Congresswoman Shelley Berkley
Weekly Roundup
Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today [October 18, 2007] stood with Nevada families in need of healthcare coverage by voting to override President Bush’s veto of legislation that would extend the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)...
[read more]

  Nevada Government
  Senator John Ensign
Weekly Roundup
Senator John Ensign’s efforts to protect children from sexual predators continued today [October 16, 2007] as the Senate passed his amendment to give the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) the resources...
[read more]

  Nevada Government
  Department of Business and Industry
Financial Institutions Division Announces Cease and Desist Order Against Onecap
The Financial Institutions Division (FID) of the Nevada Department of Business & Industry today [October 17, 2007] announced that it has issued a Cease and Desist Order against OneCap, OneCap Properties...
[read more]

  Presidential Candidates
  Senator Hillary R. Clinton
Statements on Culinary Workers Union Local 226 Agreement with Boyd Gaming AND with Golden Nugget
Today [October 18, 2007] more than 1,500 employees of one of Las Vegas’ legendary downtown properties can rest easier, thanks to the settlement agreement between the Culinary Union and the Golden Nugget...
[read more]

  Politically Speaking
  Center for Strategic Analysis
Making Friends, Making Enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan
Too many “experts” spend a few days, weeks, months or even a few years in the Middle East, or some other Muslim country, never really living outside the wire with the locals...
[read more]

  Monthly Horoscope
  Michele Avanti, CAP
October '07 Horoscope
As you read your sun and moon sign, you will note each section is broken into Focus, Test, Key & Action. Focus defines what you will find yourself focused on during this time. Test: is the issue or experience which will test your focus. Key: is a little gemstone...
[read more]

  E-Mails Forwarded by Nelson
  Nelson Sardelli
Is Any One Listening???
What a Shame For Arizona And Our Beautiful U.S.A. Another Monster Layup/Rest Area Discovered by MCDC Arizona Search & Rescue .. [read more] 

  Ask Gennifer with a G

Gennifer Flowers
The Secret Society of Undercover Button Pushers
After several in-depth conversations with girlfriends of all types, I realized that most women are victims of “undercover button pushers”... [read more]



Pete Allman
Visionaries of Las Vegas
Las Vegas is undergoing transformation through the efforts and ideas of modern-day visionaries who took to higher levels what was started by the early visionaries, like Benjamin Siegel, Jay Sarno and countless others... [read more]



Nikki Artale
Nikki’s Celebrity News: The Olympians and the Drag Queens
Valentina Chiepig has won the titles of Ms. International in 2002, Olympia IFBB heavyweight in 2000. and Ms. Olympia lightweight 2nd place in 2000. I went to see the competition... [read more]



Celebrity Chef Connection
Chef Les Kincaid Answers the Question, “How Much Should I Pay for a Bottle of Wine?”
Chef Les Kincaid, a frequent guest on Celebrity Chef Connection, had his first culinary job at the age of 14. He has taught cooking and wine appreciation classes thru the continuing education... [read more]



Chick Hughes
6 Picks from Chick's Chicks: The Beautiful Girls of The Orient
Six beauties with a bonus or two... [read more]



Dr. Adele “Z.Z.” Zorn
Entertainment Tidbits: October 2007
Gwen Stefani returns to The Pearl at the PALMS Friday, October 26 along with pop singer Sean Kingston. Sean is a 17-year-old singer who has taken the pop music world by storm with his hit single “Beautiful Girls”... [read more]


  Your Latest Feedback!
The Melting Pot That Is Vegas
Just moved into a high-rise on East Flamingo and Maryland. During a short elevator ride to the 8th floor I overheard the following conversation by 3 strangers... [read more]

  The Vegas Eye

The Vegas Eye
Eye Spy from October 15, 2007
Stars were in the fiesta spirit at The Grand Opening Celebration of Diablo’s Cantina at Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, The Light Group’s hot new restaurant concept... [read more]


  Our Diverse Community

Las Vegas Kabbalah Centre
The Month of Scorpio
The ancient wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that there are positive and negative aspect that influence us during each month (new moon to new moon). We are currently in... [read more]


  Our Diverse Community

Nevada Holistic Chamber of Commerce
New Energy Brings Success to NVHCC Event
I am excited and pleased to share with you how successful and inspiring the NVHCC and SpiritDove event was! I want to thank everyone involved for making this a HUGE success... [read more]




The Social Register of Las Vegas cordially invites you and your guests to our

Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007
11:15 a.m. - 1:30

Advanced reservations are required.
[read more]





WHEN: Sunday, October 21, 2007
WHERE: Bunker Family Park, Tenaya & Alexander
TIME: Registration—9:00 a.m.; Walk-a-thon—10:00 a.m.

[read more]


Hillary Clinton Returns to Las Vegas This Sunday, October 21
Hosting Discussion on
Health Care &
Campaign Rally

HILLARY CLINTON WILL return to the Silver State this Sunday, October 21 to meet with Nevadans and discuss her plans to bring the change America needs. [read more]


Grand Giveaway



  Two sets of tickets for 2 to see Wayne Brady at the Venetian Hotel & Casino  each set of tickets valued at $196 a set.  


  Get Up and Go�s own Larry Tyler is proud to sponsor a 4 day/3 night stay at one of 28 destinations including... Lake Tahoe, Palm Springs, San Diego, San Francisco, Anaheim or Oceanside, California to name a few. A $1,011 value.  
  Two sets of "Dinner for 2" at the fabulous Envy Steakhouse.
set of dinners a $150 value.

Weekly Giveaway


Legends in Concert
at the Imperial Palace


Barbra & Frank
at the Riviera 

WINNER Mary Ann Massey

Jay White
at the Riviera

WINNER Zelda Lipman

Bobby Slayton
at Hooters

WINNER Mayette Arii

Trent Carlini
at the Sahara

WINNER Stephanie Allen

Liberace Museum

WINNER Marisa Germano

Country Superstars
at Fitzgerald's

WINNER June Morris

The Scintas
at the Las Vegas Hilton

WINNER Bobbye Sansing

Tim Gabrielson
at the House of Blues

WINNER Tina Lafler

Larry G. Jones
at Fitzgerald's

WINNER Scott Garig

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