Vegas Community Online

Friday Flyer

This Week's Flyer Contains:

The U.S. National Park Service

Featured Artist of the Month

Featured Announcement

VCO Helping Vegans Get Healthy

"Vegas Insider" Columns

This Week's Announcements

Grand Prize Giveaway

Weekly Prize Giveaway

Yosemite National Park

On August 25, 1916 - The United States National Park Service was created by Congress through the Organic Act (16 United States Code, sections 1,2,3 and 4) in order to "conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." The beauty of the National Park Service is that they help us enjoy the parks - they open the wilderness to be visited without being destroyed. The idea has worked well and millions of Americans and foreign visitors enjoy our nation's wild areas every year.


Featured Artist

of the Month

Wayne Brady


Featured Announcement


Support Our Service Men & Women In Iraq:

A fundraiser is being held for postage for packages sent to the troops serving in Iraq over the holidays.  Some of the top performers and impersonators in Vegas will be there through out the fundraiser. It is hosted by the Marine Corp League to benefit services members of all branches serving in Iraq. Support Our troops in this Iraq Fundraiser - Saturday  25 August  2007 12 Noon Till ?? Rally At Marine Corps League - 4360 W Spring Mountain (Northeast Corner Of Arville & Spring Mountain)



VCO is Helping Las Vegans Get Healthy

  VCO is happy to share a wealth of information in our new addition to our Health section, the "Directory of Wellness Links." Just like our "Helpful Places," here you will find a plethora of helpful Web sites and information that will assist you in the areas of Alternative Health and Self-Help, Diet and Fitness, Anti-Aging Products, Beauty Products, Magazines, Directories, Periodicals and more.  



To view Section Information, click on the Section Title.
To view a VCO Columnist's BIO, click on the Columnist's Name.
To view their column, click on the Article Name

Column of the week:
Approach to Cancer Prevention

  Nevada Government
  Senator John Ensign
Weekly Roundup
At the 10th Annual Lake Tahoe Summit, Senator John Ensign urged the entire Tahoe community to come together and take a critical look at the bureaucratic barriers we face in the common goal of preserving Lake Tahoe for generations to come....
[read more]
Please Support our Troops

Nevada Government
  Nevada Department of Business and Industry
Nevada OSHA Issues Penalties Against Orleans Hotel and Casino for Workplace Safety Violations
The Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed $185,000 in fines against The Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, a Boyd Gaming Corporation property, for nine violations...
[read more]

  Politically Speaking
  John Daly
A Press Conference?!
I mean we're talking a press conference! Say it like Allen Iverson did about "practice." Seriously, they held a press conference for Karl Rove. Think about that. They held a press conference for the resignation.... [read more]

  Our Diverse Community
  Spirit Dove
The Secret to Attracting More Customers
On Wednesday, September 5th, the Nevada Holistic Chamber of Commerce will reveal the secret method for attracting more perfect customers…as well as employees, vendors, and other stakeholders when it hosts a workshop by best-selling author Stacey Hall... [read more]

  Monthly Horoscope
  Michele Avanti, CAP
August '07 Horoscope

As you read your sun and moon sign, you will note each section is broken into Focus, Test, Key & Action. Focus defines what you will find yourself focused on during this time. Test: is the issue or experience which will test your focus. Key: is a little gemstone...
 [read more]


  Publisher's Favorite E-Mails
  Marleen Marino

So You Think You've Seen Everything! [read more]


  E-Mails Forwarded by Nelson
  Nelson Sardelli

Stuck On Hold?

Ever call company only to find out that you are in endless computer "menu" hell? Push '1' to speak with Customer Service. Press '5' for the Accounting Department. Press the first three letters of the person's last name. If only you could talk to a real person. Well, here's a comprehensive list... [read more]


  Contemporary Arts Collective
Artist Announces Nomination
Lincoln Maynard, long-time Vegas Valley artist announces his nomination in Mixed Media for the 2nd Annual Fine Art Awards presented by ARTV. Lincoln has spent most of his life amidst the neon of the Las Vegas Valley and the western deserts. This environment has...
[read more]

  Victoria Alexander
Viewpoint on Vegas: August 20, 2007
This week featuring: BBC America's Jekyll, Sylvia Browne and Me,, Lewis Barlow's BBQ Party, My Ayahuasca Article in The Anomalist, The Marxist Devil in South America, Superbad and Mr. Bean's Holiday and more...
[read more]


Pete Allman

City Beat
A Touch of Fashion Exemplifies Perri Davis. The fashion program, at UNLV Educational Outreach is giving more students the opportunity to learn about fashion design. A Touch of Fashion as it is... [read more]



Nikki Artale

The Human Body Becomes A Live Canvas
Body Painting, called make-up artistry is the ultimate in human body expression. I was inspired by Pashur's work, which is absolutely breathtaking and I became an instant fan. I found myself wanting to paint bodies.... [read more]



Chick Hughes

Chick's Hot Summer Tour of the Palms Casino Pool
Playboy Club Bunnies, Alexis Skye, Playboy Playmate Jennifer Walcott,....
[read more]


  The Vegas Eye

The Vegas Eye

Quick Bites from August 20, 2007
Strip House arrives in Las Vegas at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on Monday (8/27), bringing its seductive atmosphere and innovative menu to the renovated and redesigned resort hotel and casino complex. Strip House was created by renowned restaurateurs... [read more]


  Feng Shui Tips
  Consy Malasoma
September 12 Feng Shui Seminar
Consy's talk will target the do's and don'ts of staging a property for sale and what to avoid when purchasing a new home, especially in today's buyer's market. Using the principles of Feng Shui,...
[read more]

  Nevada Cancer Institute
Approach to Cancer Prevention
Nevada Cancer Institute (NVCI) offers programs that serve the Presidential Advisory Panel's approach to reducing cancer risks. To decrease lifestyle-related cancers, the President's Cancer Panel...
[read more]


John Kaye & The Overlords


at Charlie's Bar


August Friday 24th &

  Saturday 25th 10:00� 2:00 pm  

The Las Vegas Monorail is celebrating Labor Day weekend and inviting hard-working people to �play hard� during an afternoon of activities, entertainment and prize giveaways at each of the Monorail�s stations. Riders who participate in the fun and games can enter to win a contest for a vacation getaway, plus local residents can enjoy free Monorail rides all day on Sept. 1. 2007


Coming soon...  


Scintas to open at the


Las Vegas Hilton sharing


the Shimmer Showroom with


"Menopause the Musical"


Grand Giveaway



  Two sets of tickets for 2 to see Wayne Brady at the Venetian Hotel & Casino  each set of tickets valued at $196 a set.  


  Get Up and Go�s own Larry Tyler is proud to sponsor a 4 day/3 night stay at one of 28 destinations including... Lake Tahoe, Palm Springs, San Diego, San Francisco, Anaheim or Oceanside, California to name a few. A $1,011 value.  
  Two sets of "Dinner for 2" at the fabulous Envy Steakhouse.
set of dinners a $150 value.

Weekly Giveaway


Legends in Concert
at the Imperial Palace

WINNER Nick Constantino

Barbra & Frank
at the Riviera 

WINNER Laura Simpson

Jay White
at the Riviera

WINNER Carl Roland

Bobby Slayton
at Hooters

WINNER Richard Jacoba

Trent Carlini
at the Sahara

WINNER Cheryl Stauffer

Liberace Museum


WINNER Henry Wood

Country Superstars
at Fitzgerald's

WINNER Robin Bolender

Gerry McCambridge
at Hooters

WINNER Mary Ellison

Tim Gabrielson
at the House of Blues

WINNER Leslie French

Larry G. Jones
at Fitzgerald's

WINNER Anthony Marar

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