"It's almost Summer, Okole Maluna time, that's Hawaiian for Bottom's Up, Have Fun."
WHEN THE BOSS called and said, "I got you Luau reservations at the Imperial Palace" I was ready to go. I've wanted to see the Luau for the last few years. I love Hawaii, I love to eat, and who doesn't like scantly dressed young girls Hula dancing to Hawaiian music?
The Imperial Palace started life in 1959 as a 200-room motel called the Flamingo Capri. Built next door to The Flamingo Hotel, both properties shared amenities, and the Capri provided a free shuttle to The Flamingo. Many Las Vegas lounge musicians stayed at the Capri for the 'Entertainers Special Room Rate' of $20 a week. The same year The Flamingo Capri opened, Ralph Englstad moved to Las Vegas from Minnesota. By 1971 Ralph Englstad was ready to take on the Strip, so he bought the Flamingo Capri. As owner and contractor, he immediately began to improve the place and quickly added gambling in 1972.
For the next seven years, he added more rooms, more restaurants, casino areas and a new swimming pool. By November 1979, Englstad employed over 1,000 people, and changed the name from Flamingo Capri to The Imperial Palace. By 1987 the little 200-room motel, became a full-fledged hotel & casino, with 2700 rooms, an 850-seat showroom, a classic auto collection with over 800 vehicles, and dozens of bars and restaurants.
In November 2002, Ralph Englstad died at 72. By August of 2005, the Englstad family sold The Imperial Palace to Harrah's for over $370 million dollars.
At first it seems odd, Hawaiian Luau in the desert. Hey, this Vegas Baby, anything is possible. The Luau is around the swimming pool, and they serve over 600 people on a good night. There are three tiers of seating, $34.95, $49.95 and VIP seating for $59.95. You can go the cheapest, you get the same drinks & buffet as the other two, just that you're seating further back from the stage. If you upgrade, go VIP, seating in front of the stage, you eat first, and they serve VIP's a pineapple boat full of fresh fruit.
The show is great, live music, cute Hawaiian dancing girls, fire sword dance and fire-eater, along with a bunch of Samoan dancers sticking their tongues out. I forgot why they do it, but I liked it.
I really enjoyed myself, the food was a good quality, all you can drink Mai Tais and Pina Coladas, and friendly service.
Maybe a virgin sacrifice would have topped off the evening. JUST kidding, I don't know any virgins.
Imperial Palace Hawaiian Luau
May 5 - Sept. 29, 2007
(Weather Permitting)
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Doors Open: 7:00 p.m.
Dinner: 7:30 p.m.
Show: 8:30 p.m.
Advance reservations suggested!
Call 888.777.7664
VIP Seating
$59.95 Adults
$46.00 Children (212)
Preferred Seating
$49.95 Adults
$36.00 Children (212)
General Admission
$34.95 Adults
$21.00 Children (212)
Suggested Attire: Resort Casual
(outdoor event)
This is a non-smoking venue.