THE BOSS MUST love me; she said, "go review the Social House." The Social House is a new restaurant high above "Sirens' Cove" at Treasure Island. The Social House is beautiful with great views of the Cove and the Strip. The restaurant has many intimate rooms, but on a nice evening, the patio is the way to go. You get to see all the action, away from the maddening crowd.
When it comes to eating, I'm a simple guy, don't forget my claim to fame is eating Hot Dogs. The Social House menu had a whole bunch of stuff with fancy names Tasmanian Ocean Trout, Soy Mirin Kurobauta Pork Belly, Citrus Peel Miso Cod, and more. Chris the young waiter said, "Let me choose the dinner items for you, have you ever had Kobe Beef?" Chris added, "It's not on the menu but we have the most wonderful Kobe Beef in the world, raised in Japan, the Beef is massaged four times a day, drinks Beer, and we fly the Beef in First Class to Las Vegas only three months each year." OK, this must be my lucky day, let's go for it. I have no idea what I'm getting into, but with most of the entrees around $30, how much could a frequent flyer cow cost?
I love to eat, I love steak, I'm a beef eater, yet, I'm almost 60 years old, and I have never eaten a Kobe Steak. Like me, unless someone else is buying, or you hit Mega-Bucks, you probably won't be eating a Kobe Steak until you're 60.
Kobe beef comes from a breed of cattle called Wagyu. The word "Wagyu" translates as [wa] "Japanese" [gyu] "cattle" put them together and you get Japanese Cattle. Who would have guessed? To be real Kobe Beef, the Wagyu beef must come from Kobe, Japan. Time to eat.
Along with the Kobe Steak, Chris had me try Shrimp & Mixed Vegetable Tempura, Miso Cod and a half dozen other items; everything was delicious. To flush all this down, I had the Social House Special Banana Split.
WOW, what a great meal, my only criticism would be the background music was too loud. Chris told me that the music gets louder as the evening gets later. Well, if it were only Frank Sinatra I wouldn't mind.
After two & half hours of non-stop eating, I can't move. Chris brings me the check to sign; I almost fall off my seat, the Kobe Steak is $225.00. I grab Chris, you didn't tell me the steak was so expensive, Chris says, "Wasn't it great," yeah, but I could've had the Chicken. It took a 23-year-old kid to teach me, with Chicken, I wouldn't have a good story to tell. You live and learn.
The young girls of the Social House helped me up.
Now I am going by "Kid Kobe, High Steaks Eater" and I'm going to play at the No Limit Hold'em Table, NOT.
call 702-894-7223
Open seven days a week
5:00 p.m.11:00 p.m.
Late-night dining TuesdaySaturday
11:00 p.m.2:00 a.m.